The principal aim of the Community is to bring together all Ghanaians lawfully resident in Uganda in pursuit of the following objectives:
- To promote the welfare of all members of the Community through,
- Organizing of periodic and annual social and cultural activities,
- Organizing seminars, workshops and briefing sessions to update members on pertinent issues and developments in Ghana
- Provision of financial assistance or other support to individual community members as and when such a need arises.
- Institution of a permanent or ad hoc mechanism for dispute resolution, including arbitration, mediation, negotiation and reconciliation between members of the Community.
- To actively promote relations between Ghana and Uganda.
- To inculcate the Ghanaian culture and heritage into the Community’s youth in Uganda
- To complement the efforts of the Consulate/Embassy of Ghana in Uganda in building and promoting a positive image of Ghana through participation in, or contribution to worthy activities in Uganda.
- Membership of the Community shall be open to all Ghanaian citizens resident in Uganda who are willing to be members and will adhere to the rules and regulations of the Community.
- Any Ghanaian residing in or passing through Uganda and is in the process of legalizing his/her stay in Uganda shall be accorded temporary membership in the community.
- A dependent child under eighteen (18) years of age, of a member of the community shall have automatic membership.
- Any Ghanaian of Eighteen (18) years and above shall be eligible for membership in his or her own right.
- Every member shall be issued a membership card signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Community.
- Members who have passed through Uganda and continue to be part of the Group’s social media platforms and prefer to be members shall be deemed as members, adhere to Article 7 and enjoy all benefits.
- Ghanaian must provide evidence of His or her Citizenship by the provision of a Ghanaian Passport or a Ghana Card.
- A Ghanaian must go through an interview to be admitted to the community.
- A member must register at the Ghana consulate.

Eric Nana Kwabena Agyei

Christy Darkwa
Finance officer

Kojo ablode
secretary general